Not Another Mommy Blog

Monday, September 10, 2007

Young Democrats of America

Yesterday I was lounging around with my Mom and Abby, playing and laughing and having a good time. Abby was babbling away with her usual "dadada" and "ababab" when out of the blue she says, clear as day, "Al Gore."

My Grandfather is horrified. I'm pretty sure next time he sees her he'll be whispering "Newt Gingrich" over and over again in her ear.


Kristen, Mike and Max said...

That is fantastic! Max is working on saying "boo Bush!"

Anonymous said...

HAAAAA! that's one for the baby book! "baby's first words: al gore" i can see it now :)
- katie

DaveO said...

Pretty soon she'll be telling you she invented the internet. That's hysterical!

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