Not Another Mommy Blog

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Going Home!

In lieu of a real post, I give you a pictorial timeline of our stay in the hospital from Saturday - Tuesday.

Saturday afternoon:

This was taken Saturday afternoon once we had moved out of the PICU and into the regular hospital room. It shows the height of the swelling and still disturbs me to look at.


The swelling is still pretty severe here, but it's a definite improvement. Her little green frog lovey was with her the whole time.

The bandages are off! I think that's a little half-smile there.

The catheter was out by the time this picture was taken, but she still had 3 IV lines in (jugular, wrist, and foot), plus electrodes on her belly and an O2 monitor on her toe that made her glow red. My mom called it her E.T. toe.

Acting much more like herself here. It is amazing how quickly the swelling came on and then went away.


All lines are out and we're ready to go home!


Anonymous said...

hurray! so happy to hear ya'll are headed home! glad to see miss abigail recovering well. she must be happy to be able to see & sit up again :) have a safe drive, see you soon! i love! - katie

Momma said...

Wonderful news....

There's no place like home... There's no place like home...

Your most anxious times are past. She made it thru surgery and is recovering. The pictures certainly tell alot. Amazing the difference from one day to the next. I'm glad your mom & stepdad will be with you to help you settle in..... Each day is a gift.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

My heart aches looking at these pictures, but I am so happy that everyone is headed home to recouperate.

Best wishes

Anonymous said...

Look at her sweet face. The swelling and bruising looks much better, and I'm so pleased for you that you get to go home now!

(Everyday Stranger)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everything is going well and you are home. I bet Abby is happy to sit up and play again. Keep us posted.

Kristen, Mike and Max said...

We are so glad that she is doing so well. Please let us know if you need ANYTHING. Max will be there in a flash.

Anonymous said...

Yea going home... I hope that she is doing great. It only gets easier from here.
The Horton Family

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