Not Another Mommy Blog

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Day 2

We're still in the PICU, but Abby is doing great. She will probably be moved to her regular hospital room this afternoon. I was able to breastfeed her early this morning, which was a little scary with all the IV lines and tubes and electrodes. The swelling has gotten pretty severe, but evidently the worst is yet to come.

I am beyond tired. I spent last night in the chair in Abby's room, never sleeping for more than an hour or so at a time. I am going to need to sleep soon; I can't keep up my strength like this.


Momma said...

You've got a good support system at the hospital with your mom, step dad and Brandon. I'm sure they would be able to be with Abby while you take a few needed hours of sleep. Please take care of yourself so you in turn can take care of Abby. Things look more promising when you are rested.

Take Care Elizabeth

Anonymous said...

Abby's extended family and friends are grateful to know that Abby is doing well following surgery. I agree with "nonny" that you need to take care of yourself, too.

Kristen, Mike and Max said...

Abby - I am thinking about you! You are a tough girl like your mama and if you and I are going to go on our hot date you better get plenty of rest. (mom too!)

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear your all hanging in there... best wishes for Abby's continued healing

Anonymous said...

Oh Lza, I'm breathing the hugest sigh of relief for you :) I know the past week, and the past few months before, have been a real mountain to climb. but if ever there was a tough enough woman to handle it, it's you! and yeah, i should say "get some sleep!" like the rest of all these smart folks, but i know you won't!! once things have settled, sleep will return. so happy your "fam" can be with you... can't wait to get up there & smother you all in hugs. love you love you! i miss!
- katie

Anonymous said...

Aww sweet girl. This just brings tears to my eyes. I'm so happy she came through this ok. And that it's over. I can't even imagine the hell you've felt.

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