Not Another Mommy Blog

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Abby has learned to pull herself up into a sitting position by herself, and sometimes when she's trying to avoid falling asleep, she'll practice sitting up in her crib. Eventually she wears herself out and just flops over.


Momma said...

Oh my... she's so much more flexible than me.... Amazing how babies can sleep anywhere and in any position!

Elizabeth said...

Isn't that position crazy? Well, she was a breech baby, so that was pretty much how she was laying in my belly for several months. Probably is very comfortable for her!

Anonymous said...

Found you via Helen. Wanted to wish you much luck on the cranio surgery. We're battling plagio, which while upsetting, seems like a light breeze compared to cranio.

Sara J. said...

Made the jump from Helen. Your darling baby girl!

Sending lots of positive thoughts to you both in the coming days and weeks! I will be following your progress

sue said...

Came over via Helen~~
What a sweet baby girl you have! Sending good thoughts your way~

Anonymous said...

I too came here from Helen and I will be keepin you and Abby in my thoughts and prayers on Sept 21.

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