During a break in the rain, Grammy and I decided to take Abby out to the backyard for a little swinging time. She had a blast, and as you can see, is feeling much better.
I don't know why the video quality is so bad. It looked fine until I uploaded it to YouTube. Anyway, you get the idea...
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Back in action
Posted by
6:19 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Feeling much better
So.... do you like my new hairstyle?
Today was our first full day at home. Things are going great and Abigail continues to get better and better by the hour. The wound is still pretty startling to see, but thankfully the swelling has gone down a lot. You can tell she's still swollen when you kiss her forehead; instead of being firm it's kind of mushy and soft. Every night I give her a bath - cleaning the incision with gentle soap, letting it dry, then applying Bacitracin. Then I give her hair a fancy little spike. I think it draws attention away from her boo-boo.
We went to go visit Abby's daycare today. Her teachers were so happy to see her up and about. One of the administrators has really taken a liking to Abigail (can you blame her?) and called to check up on us almost every day we were in the hospital. The support and prayers we've received from friends, family, and complete strangers has been incredible. Not to sound too sentimental, but the thoughtfulness and kindness we've seen really does sort of renew my faith in people. Thank you all.
We will continue to rest and heal at home for another week or so. We have a follow-up appointment on Oct. 4, and I'm hoping we'll get the green light to resume all normal activities.
Posted by
4:24 PM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Going Home!
In lieu of a real post, I give you a pictorial timeline of our stay in the hospital from Saturday - Tuesday.
Saturday afternoon:
This was taken Saturday afternoon once we had moved out of the PICU and into the regular hospital room. It shows the height of the swelling and still disturbs me to look at.
The swelling is still pretty severe here, but it's a definite improvement. Her little green frog lovey was with her the whole time.
Monday: The bandages are off! I think that's a little half-smile there.
The catheter was out by the time this picture was taken, but she still had 3 IV lines in (jugular, wrist, and foot), plus electrodes on her belly and an O2 monitor on her toe that made her glow red. My mom called it her E.T. toe.
Acting much more like herself here. It is amazing how quickly the swelling came on and then went away.
All lines are out and we're ready to go home!
Posted by
10:07 AM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Day 2
We're still in the PICU, but Abby is doing great. She will probably be moved to her regular hospital room this afternoon. I was able to breastfeed her early this morning, which was a little scary with all the IV lines and tubes and electrodes. The swelling has gotten pretty severe, but evidently the worst is yet to come.
I am beyond tired. I spent last night in the chair in Abby's room, never sleeping for more than an hour or so at a time. I am going to need to sleep soon; I can't keep up my strength like this.
Posted by
10:09 AM
Friday, September 21, 2007
Well, the surgery is over and Abigail did great. It took about 6 hours from the time they put the IV lines in until I could see her in recovery. I don't have the energy to type out all the details of the day; I'll post updates as I can. I'm glad it is over. She is still in the ICU for now, resting comfortably (on lots of morphine).
Right before the surgery:
In recovery:
Finally in Mama's arms in the PICU:
More later. I'm going to try to get some sleep.
UPDATE: 2 hours later, and I've managed to get an hour or so of sleep in the super-comfy hospital "recliner." Abby also drank a little expressed breastmilk, which was great since she hadn't eaten since 3am. I really want to nurse her, but I'm afraid moving is uncomfortable for her. I want to keep her as calm and comfy as possible. Maybe later tonight or tomorrow morning.
She just had another dose of morphine and is out cold, making little sucking motions with her lips.
I have never felt relief like I did the moment the surgeon came out and said it was over and she was fine. It was like all the stress and anxiety and other emotions I'd been holding in for the last few weeks came out in a rush of joy and gratitude. Now the pendulum is swinging back the other direction, as I see her head bandaged up and watch her eyes begin to swell shut. But it's all ok. My baby girl is ok.
Posted by
9:03 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Now we wait
Whew. What a day.
I am sitting in my room at the lovely Residence Inn, having a beer and trying to unwind from a very stressful day. Abby is sleeping in the big king size bed, surrounded by chairs and pillows. She looks so tiny.
Our day started at 7:30 this morning. Well, to be honest, it actually started at 3 this morning, when Abby decided it would be a good time to wake up and play. I tried to get her back down, but it was clear that she was having none of it. So I just decided to go with the flow. I brought her out into the living room and piled up some of her favorite toys. Grammy joined us around 4am, and we all laid on the floor and played until about 4:45. Fun!
It was a mad rush getting everything ready to go before we left. My step-dad Pat went and got us some coffee, and Mom watched Abby while I got dressed. Then I fed Abby, got us packed, ran Lily over to doggy day care, and tried to not completely lose it. We made it out the door by 9:30 and had an uneventful, albeit LOUD, ride to Chapel Hill. Abby was exhausted but she refused to fall asleep in the car. Well... that's not entirely true. She did stop crying and close her eyes for seven minutes.
We got to the hospital at noon, found some food, and waited. And waited. Aaaaaand waited.
And then we waited some more. For 2 hours.
Here's Abby and me, the headless mannequin, waiting:
Abby was amazing the whole time, hardly fussing at all. We finally got to see the surgeon's associate, who ran us through the standard pre-op questions. Our actual surgeon came in a bit later to review any last minute questions and concerns, then it was off to the pre-op testing and education area. Where, in keeping with the theme of the day, we waited a bit more.
At this point I began to lose my patience. We had been there for hours, Abby hadn't slept, and we were all exhausted.
The last thing on our agenda was to get Abby's blood drawn. Back at the surgeon's clinic, in anticipation of the blood draw, a nurse had put some numbing cream on her arms and covered it up with a clear, sticky bandage. Bad idea. The worst part of the whole thing was not actually drawing the blood, but removing that damn bandage. It took a layer of skin with it. Nice.
4:15 and we were finally out of there. We made it back to the hotel a little before 5 and Mom gave Abby a bath with some special anti-bacterial soap. She was so tired that after a bottle and some nursing (I'm not producing enough to breastfeed her exclusively anymore), she went right to sleep.
Now I'm sitting here on this stiff, ugly couch, eating cold pizza and drinking beer out of a plastic cup. My back hurts, my head hurts, and I can't wait for this to be over.
The surgery is set for 7:30 tomorrow morning. I'll post updates as I can. In the meantime, I'm going to watch Knocked Up and try to get some sleep.
Posted by
6:10 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Mommy needs a valium
The surgery is in three days and I have officially started to freak out. I had a full-blown panic attack the other day, and wow... that was scary. I was laying in bed trying to sleep, when all the sudden my heart started racing, my chest felt tight, and it got hard to breathe. I had to jump out of bed and pace around the house. For some reason I was compelled to eat a banana, which somehow made me feel better. Who knows.
At any rate, I just want this thing to be over and done with. I look at Abby and think how unfair it is. I know there are a lot worse things out there, and I hate whining like this, but she is just so tiny and so innocent. She shouldn't have to go through all this. Yes, and I know she's too young to remember it. But still. I hate this. I've been trying really hard to keep it together, to not let the stress cloud my time with Abby. It's hard. Really, really hard.
On a completely different note, hello visitors from Helen's site! Nice to see you. Thank you for your kind comments and emails. It really makes me feel better knowing there are people out there thinking of us.
Posted by
6:23 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Abby has learned to pull herself up into a sitting position by herself, and sometimes when she's trying to avoid falling asleep, she'll practice sitting up in her crib. Eventually she wears herself out and just flops over.
Posted by
6:07 PM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
On the move
Oh my God, she crawled. Not very far, and not very well, but still.... it was a crawl.
I officially have a semi-mobile baby.
Pray for me.
UPDATE: Caught on video!
I love the wounded look she gives me when I move the wipes farther away. So mean of me. Also, you can see why her middle name is "Grace."
Posted by
5:49 PM
Visit to the Eye Doctor
I took Abby to see the eye doctor today, to assess her progress with the patch and review the doc's findings on her CT scans. The news is good! Everything is going great, which is just what I needed to hear right about now. They were pleased that she's wearing the patch for up to 6 hours a day and according to the scans, the eye muscles are attached evenly and symmetrically.
I am really encouraged by this news and can't wait to see what happens with her eye after the surgery. So great to finally get good news!
Posted by
5:42 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
Young Democrats of America
Yesterday I was lounging around with my Mom and Abby, playing and laughing and having a good time. Abby was babbling away with her usual "dadada" and "ababab" when out of the blue she says, clear as day, "Al Gore."
My Grandfather is horrified. I'm pretty sure next time he sees her he'll be whispering "Newt Gingrich" over and over again in her ear.
Posted by
6:31 PM
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Weekend Recap
Well hello there. It's been a while, hasn't it? We have had a very exciting week around here. My mom came to visit on Tuesday and just left this morning. We are certainly sad to see her go. Abby got to spend most of the week home with Grammy, getting spoiled and going on outings around town. They even came to visit me at work, which is always fun. Things will go back to normal for the next week or so until we go up to Chapel Hill for the surgery. 12 more days....
In other news, I got a very exciting new toy! I've always been a PC kind of girl, but this thing makes me want to convert to the other side. It is so well designed, so intuitive, and.... well, just so cool.
There is a tropical storm heading near us. It's cloudy, windy, and rainy out right now, and I feel like curling up on the couch and watching movies all day.
Posted by
9:33 AM
Monday, September 3, 2007
For Abby on her eight month birthday
Dear Abby,
Today you are eight months old. I can't believe that in four months we will be celebrating your first birthday! The past eight months have been some of the hardest and most wonderful of my life - bringing you home from the hospital, spending endless nights awake with you, soothing you through your colicky phase, taking you to the beach for the first time, learning that you will have to go through surgery, watching you grow and learn and become your own little individual - it's been quite a ride.
The first few weeks were tough. You were certainly a force to be reckoned with, and you refused to be put down. The swing? No way. The papasan chair? Yeah, right. All you wanted to do was nurse and cry. It was a tough transition for me, learning to put off housework and laundry and such luxuries as showering and brushing my teeth to attend to your constant demands. I think it was good for me, though. You helped me to learn how to live more in the moment, and I'm grateful for that.
When you were two months old, we went on a big trip to Maryland to meet the rest of your family. Grammy and I packed up both dogs and all of your gear (you need a lot of stuff, by the way) and headed up to Grammy and Pop-Pop's house. You did so well on the seven hour drive. I sat in the back with you and we only had to stop once to nurse.
You got to meet your Great-Grandmother Peggy, your Aunts Nancy & Kathie, and lots of friends & neighbors. Of course everyone loved you. Great Grandma Peggy thinks it's very cool that you have red hair, just like her. While we were up there, you had your first shopping trip (to Nordstrom, naturally). Afterwards, we went to visit your Great-Grandmommy and Great-Granddaddy at their house. Even though we had been out all day, you were as good as gold and showed off some of your kicking maneuvers on the floor. They are so proud of you and ask me for pictures at least once a week.
At the end of March, after three months of being with you 24 hours a day, I had to go back to work. That was really, really difficult. The first few days I left you at daycare, I cried all the way to the office. I missed you so much. I still do - the best part of my day is coming to get you in the afternoons. As soon as you see me walk in the room, you light up and smile. And then you cry for me to hurry up and pick you up.
When you were four months old, I found out that you have a birth defect called craniosynostosis and would need surgery to fix it. When I heard the news, my stomach knotted up into a tiny, hard ball of anxiety and fear. I don't think it will un-knot itself until you are safely back home in my arms, recovering from the operation. Even though I am scared, I know you will do great. You are a tough little girl and you have so many people wishing, hoping, and praying for you. Never, ever doubt that you are loved.
Your Aunt Katie came to visit when you were five months old. At first you were a little scared of her, but you quickly got over that and had a great time playing with her. She is one of my oldest, best friends in the world, and I was so happy to have you two meet each other. I was very sick with mono during her visit, and she took great care of both of us. She also took some incredible photos of you.
At the beginning of August, a major thing happened in our house: I moved you to your own room. This was a much bigger deal for me than it was for you; you immediately settled in to your own space and started sleeping through the night shortly thereafter. For the six-plus months or so leading up to this, you had been sleeping in my room, sometimes in a bassinet, sometimes in bed with me. I got really used to being close to you every night, and for the first few days after the move, I would wake up every 2-3 hours, go into your room, and lay my hand on your back to feel you breathing.
You have started babbling constantly, and will hold very long, intense conversations with your toys. You can say "dadadadadada" all day long, but haven't quite mastered "Mama" yet. Keep working on that, k?
One of your favorite things to do is blow raspberries, especially while eating.
In a couple weeks you will be having your surgery. Grammy and Pop-Pop are coming down to be with you, and your dad and I will be by your side the whole time. Auntie Jen will be there too, and your whole family will be thinking about you and praying for you. I wish more than anything that you didn't have to go through this, but you will be in good hands. I have great confidence in your surgeons, and I know in my heart that everything will be ok.
I love you, baby girl.
Posted by
8:26 AM
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Remember that time...?
...back when I said that Abby will now go down to sleep with only a whimper? Yeah, I totally jinxed myself.
She is bawling her head off right now trying to go to sleep.
Well, it was nice while it lasted.
UPDATE - 30 minutes later: Sweet dreams, Abby. Mama loves you.
Posted by
6:35 PM
About Me

- Elizabeth
- I am a 30-something single Mama living in North Carolina with my amazing baby girl and big, dumb (but sweet) dog. My daughter Abigail has a condition called craniosynostosis, which means the sutures in her skull have fused prematurely. She had surgery to correct it on September 21. I created this site to keep family and friends updated as we go through the surgery, recovery, and beyond. Welcome!