Not Another Mommy Blog

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Missing her

My baby girl is sleeping at her father's house tonight and I am miserable.

I don't have anything more to say.


Kristen, Mike and Max said...

I hear that. Drink some vodka. Poor thing.

katie said...

i'm holding your elbow as tight as i can. just think of that face she makes JUST for you, and how you'll get to see that little face SO soon :) and i agree with the smart folks who already posted... have a glass of something lovely, catch up on some dvr'd episodes of the office, paint your nails & then chew them off in worry, go to bed, and you'll have her back quick as a flash. i love you. call if u need to talk... i'm at the fam's all weekend staying with jenny, so i'm TOTALLY available, day or night. i swear. love & hugs & elbow holding & stuff...

Yvette said...

Is this the first time she's been away? I know the feeling. The first time my daughter spent the night with her grandparents, I cried.

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