Not Another Mommy Blog

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sunday at the pumpkin patch, and other assorted bits and pieces

Well, things are getting back to normal around here after Abby's surgery. It feels weird to not have this big scary event looming ahead. I'm still kind of reeling from all the stress and emotion of the past few months, but I'm so glad the worst is behind us.

My friend Katie was here last week, and having her around was wonderful. She can make me laugh like nobody else. It was just what we needed.
Of course Abby loves her Aunt Katie to death, and my dog Lily is still moping around the house wondering where her playmate went. It goes without saying that I miss her too. Hopefully we'll be able to go down to Florida early next year to visit Katie as well as Abby's Great Grandparents, who live in the same town.

Yesterday we had breakfast at Nonny's house, which was great. All the kids were so good with Abby, offering her their toys and making her smile. Conrad cooked a delicious meal, and it was really nice have some "family time" with Abby.

Today was so beautiful, we just had to get out to the pumpkin patch. Katie bought Abby a great little pumpkin hat, perfect for the occasion. Along with her "Mummy loves me" t-shirt, we were dressed for the season.

Tomorrow Abby goes back to daycare and my half-days at work are over. I'm nervous about sending her back. It almost feels like the first day I dropped her off, and I'm sure there will be some tears tomorrow. I know her teachers will take extra special care of her, but it's still hard to send her off.


Yvette said...

I LOOOOOOOVE the hat!!!

katie said...

Oh Lza, I'm gonna cry! I miss ya'll so much too, it's always a highlight of my year when I get to visit... glad they've been getting more & more frequent! Please give Lily's neckfat a hearty jiggle for me. I've been watching videos of ya'll non-stop!

I bet today was hard, letting Dab go back to daycare... I can't even imagine. But at least her teachers love her so much. I hope you had a fun evening together once you got home!

As for the pumpkin-y fun & adorableness... YAY! And she's wearing the hat I got! She's such a little punkin-pie! I love! Exclamation points!
- Katie

Mina Wolf said...

That hat is so wonderful! So happy she's recovering well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Webeth:

Does your daughter wear a protective helmet, since having the surgery? My wife may have emailed you via our Flickr account. Our daughter is having the same procedure. Any advice you can share would be helpful!

Robert Harrison

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