Not Another Mommy Blog

Thursday, August 30, 2007

It's Pink!

So.... what do you think of the new design? I'm still working out some of the kinks, but you get the gist. This is actually based on a design I came up with about a year ago but never used. Let me just say that it was a Huge Pain In The Butt to get my XHTML / CSS to cooperate with the blogger template. I think I finally got it right, though.

Oh, and if you happened to look here a just moment ago, you might have seen a black page with blue and red columns. Attractive color scheme, eh? I was testing some unruly CSS when my Internet connection died. Thanks, Roadrunner!

Anyway, everything should be all set now. At least it works in IE7 and Firefox. Does anyone reading this use a Mac? Mind telling me if it looks ok?

1 comment:

jen said...

I love it! I thought about customizing mine. Yeah THAT'S likely to happen real soon. LOL

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